10 October 2014

Photo Friday

Can you believe it?  Mom and Dad posting on time!!  Yea!

Well just a couple of photos.
 We decided that our storage room needed to be straightened out so we visited the local Costco and purchased a new set of shelves.  You think this looks good...

 ...It is much more impressive with Mom in the picture.  She is the one that really makes it.

 And speaking of Mom making everything wonderful, her new chairs were delivered.  She has been checking the web every hour for three days to determine when they would arrive.  I have to say, she did really good on these.  

Hope all ya-all are are doing well.  Love ya.


Heather said...

Where did you take all these pictures? These all look like your old house. I am so confused.....

Jodi said...

You guys are cute! Thanks for the post.

Michelle Packard said...

Love it!!!!

Dad said...

Jodi, we took the idea of announcing by pictures from you and Justin. Thanks.