22 October 2014

Photo Friday???

Ok, so I just have to tell you that I thought it was Thursday night and I was just a few hours early.  But I now realize it is Wednesday.  Wow!  I am losing my mind.  But I thought I might as well post anyway.

Joshua has spent most of his time over the last couple of weeks making coaster and marble chasing things.  I have been pretty impressed.  

Hyrum continues to enjoy playing with Simon.  He found him a bunch of toys to play with.  How sweet!

But then he decided to take them back.  Cracks me up! 
No more toys for Simon.  :(  I can't believe how big he is getting, though!

We opened up the chicken run, so they can eat out of the garden anything left over.  But now Hyrum can get into their old run.  New places to play!

We had fun picking pears and then wrapped a bunch up, so they will ripen more slowly.  Hopefully they will be enjoyable for the next month or so!

Jacob was feeling constructive and wanted you to see.  :)

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Poor Simon! How cute Hyrum wants to share than thinks better of it! I didn't know you could wrap pears to make them last longer. Let me know how that works! Thanks for the early post!