03 October 2014

Photo Friday

Apple butter from the apples on our tree. We did two batches this size, and one
batch of applesauce in quart jars.

Daddy time.

The girls' party on Saturday (indoors because of rain).

The girls rode home in the stroller after church, with Jaime
holding Ava on her lap. When we finally got home I lifted the
shade and saw this sight. Glad she held on to the end :)

Justin and I stayed up so late sewing this cape for Vida's
birthday present, and then she didn't even like it.

I texted this to Justin the other day - a comparison of Vida's 2nd and 3rd birthdays.


Lynne said...

Thank you Jodi! Just beautiful. How is the apple butter? Vida is so, so, beautiful!

Liz said...

Everything is so cute! I can't wait for our fruit trees to bear enough fruit to can! Enjoy it!

Dad said...

What wonderful pictures and such a special story they tell.

Jodi said...

The apple butter is great! But admittedly, not as good as the pear butter we made from Uncle Greg's pears last year.