01 June 2014

Some farm pictures

Some of our dear friends are moving this summer, and even though we are full up on poultry, we decided to help them out by taking over their chicken flock. They have more mature chickens than we do, so we had to build some nesting boxes for them to lay those eggs in! They wanted to clear out the chickens before showing the house, so yesterday we went over and picked up their 17 laying hens and 2 ready-to-pop meat chickens. We spent the week getting the coop ready for a double size flock, and they all seem to be comfortable and happy. At this moment we actually have 51 chickens to our name, if my count is correct--35 layers, 15 meat, and one funny crested chick that came with our meat chicks. We call him "King Brownie" because his crest looks like a crown. This is our "small foray" into chickens. It may have happened faster than we intended. On the plus side, though, we should have eggs for the reunion!

Building the nesting boxes

Boxes installed and coop expanded and redone!

Everyone likes to help. 

Some of our new chickens. 

Our first egg!

We are sure excited to have all the cousins come and help with the chickens and enjoy them the way we do. They are special to us, and even though there are a few more than we intended, we are grateful to have them. 


Lynne said...

Well, I would say that constitutes a farm! You better kill those two meat chickens before their organs give out!
Can't wait to see your new farm!

Dad said...

I can hardly wait to see in person!