23 June 2014


All last week we had been debating whether or not to go to the Manti pageant. Neither of us had ever been, but it's a long drive and late! So we debated up until we actually got there Driday night at 10:00. Only a half hour late. It's soooo long! But we are glad we went. It was a fun adventure and gave us some talking time. The only downside? I know just how miserable and uncomfortable 20 hours in a car is going to be this weekend. (Oh cuz this is Marquie blogging, not Patrick). Oh well. It's going to be worth it. I can do hard things! 
And here is a pretty picture. We almost forgot to take one! We ran to our car, literally, and I'm quite impressed with myself, but realized we forgot to take a picture. So we snapped one real quick and kept going! It was worth it because we beat pretty much all the traffic! Go us!


Lynne said...

So fun to have you done with school and have time to blog!

Liz said...

So much fun! Yes, that will be one miserable drive. I did it for you once, so it is definitely doable, but not fun. :) You can do it!

Dad said...

Great time. Last visit to the Manti Pageant for me was 1974.