06 June 2014

Photo Friday

I missed last week, so I tried to narrow down two weeks of pictures. Apparently I'm not great at it :).

Walking the peer as a family our first night in San Diego.

When I was a girl, I convinced my mom to let our black lab have puppies. I promised
I'd take care of them. I checked out books at the library and read anything I could find
about how to take care of puppies. I took care of them dutifully until they were weened
and we found homes for each. This one is the only one I've kept track of. After hearing
this story, Jaime became obsessed with meeting the puppy I raised. So, while in
California, we stopped and met him.

This is the book Justin and I read on our road trip. An interesting
choice, I'll admit, but we actually enjoyed it and learned a lot, and
it gave us a lot to talk about.  I'm glad to have read it.

Chip clip hair :)

Family bedtime prayer pileup.

Ava's loving the new foods she gets to try.


Dad said...

Wonderful pictures and memories. Thank you for the book recommendation. Audio?

Jodi said...

I believe Justin is saving our copy to loan specifically to you :). I'm told the plan is to bring it with us to the reunion and hand it off there.

Liz said...

Love the pics! I hope you had a fabulous trip!

Lynne said...

Oh that was so fun! Thank you!