21 June 2014

Snapshot Saturday

I keep meaning to post pictures but I just never seem to get around to it.  Here are some fun photos from the week.

Simon enjoying a nap at the park.  Maybe one day I'll figure out why babies sleep with their heads in that very awkward position.

Hyrum had a blast playing at the park and was very proud of his ability to climb almost everything.

You can't enjoy the park without going down the slides.  He was sad he couldn't climb up them like his brothers, though.

We have a feisty chicken that decided to escape.  It was pretty entertaining to watch Joshua chase the chicken around.

Joshua was very proud of his ability to catch the said chicken.  

After a lot of weeding and mulching we were finally able to string up our tomatoes.  This is a new method for us, so we'll see how it goes!  I don't know if you can see it but there is a tomato turning red on the front left plant.  We are very excited for fresh tomatoes!!!  

We can't wait for everyone to visit and join us in our fun adventures!


Lynne said...

I see the tomato!

Dad said...

I see it!! I see it! Yea!

Liz said...

Jacob picked it today, so it will be in our dinner tonight!