04 May 2014

Snapshot Sunday

Touching the stingrays at the aquarium...that we now have
a year pass to.

Bored this morning. We have church at 1pm right now!

Does anyone have ANY idea what we are doing? I'll give you a hint, it's an
experiment from a science book.


Lynne said...

Phew, I was worried you weren't going to post this week. Thanks. I have no idea what you are doing. What?

Justin said...

It is a pulse ticker, also known as a mini-marshmallow and a toothpick. You put the toothpick in the marshmallow, and press the marshmallow against your wrist where your pulse can be felt. It twitches back and forth with your pulse. Pretty neat!

Liz said...

That is pretty awesome . . . the ticker, not the late church. But at least the year is almost half over and hopefully you get a better time next year!