02 October 2012

Tuesday Memory

I am sitting in my "hotel" in Chicago and the sun has just risen.  It has been a beautiful morning and a beautiful sunrise.  The fog creating a blanket for the Chicago Skyline to sit on.  What better time to share my Tuesday Memory.

My memory today is related to family time.  Growing up as an "only child" due to the space between Roger's marriage and mine, I actually spent a great deal of time alone because Dad was the Stake President and Mom was heavily involved with Church music and really got used to it.  I remember one Saturday afternoon, I think after I graduated from High School, that Dad, out of the blue, said we were going up American Fork Canyon for a steak fry.  Steak fry's were not uncommon.  We had metal grill baskets that we used over open fires.  It is a great way to cook steaks.  Dad always kept the best steaks for times like these.  However, I really didn't want to go.  I believe I thought I had better things to do (I.E. go see Lynne).  I was however respectful to my parents and went. 

This is perhaps the last time we had a "family" steak fry, at least the three of us and I really do not remember any others with the whole family after that.  We roasted corn in the fire pit, played our usual game of lighting matches with an axe and overall had a great time.  The food, as always, was succulent.  A wonderful memory that  I am grateful for.  If I can find the picture I will share.  Have a wonderful day. 


Heather said...

That is really cool. Lighting a match with an axe?

Dad said...

Demonstrations next family reunion.