19 October 2012

Photo Friday

I apologize for not posting last week but have a few fun photos for this week.

The first is of Jacob sleeping in my bed.  Sometimes he gets to fall asleep in there when Hyrum is already asleep or getting ready to go to bed.  He just looked so cute that I couldn't help but take a picture.

Next, we have a couple picture from our trip to Nauvoo.  I had planned a great trip to the temple for the sisters in the ward, but everyone bailed, so it was just me and the boys.  I even let Michael watch Hyrum while I enjoyed some temple time.  Then, we enjoyed a picnic alongside the Mississippi.  The boys thought it was pretty awesome and had a great time collecting shells.

And here is the sweatshirt that Michael is determined to wear every day since he got it.  Can't wait until showtime!  

 And finally, we have a new hobby.  Can you guess what it is?

So, happy Photo Friday to all!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

So many BOYS! You guys are awesome.