14 October 2012

Our Saturday Fun

Not often do I post, but when I do, I try and make them interesting.  For some reason I tend to post to facebook easier than the family blog, just because of mobile phone posting convenience.  Anyway, please enjoy the following day with us.

Holmes Beach catch of the day.  Yep I caught it with my hands.  It bit me twice on the palm but well worth it.  Too bad it was not radioactive and could give me super hero powers.  I could be Suction Cup Man.  Would eight arms be a hindrance to fighting crime?  Or would I end up just making people squeal with delight, just like my family in the video?

Yep.  We spent the day at the beach.  The sun was warm...the water...perfect.  Florida misses those that have visited.

Then to top it all off.  That morning was the boys soccer games.  Here is video of Collin and Ethan playing soccer.


Joseph Petersen said...

Why aren't my videos showing up?

Justin said...

It all looks wonderful! Enjoy the wonderful beach you are blessed with.

Lynne said...

How fun! Thanks for using the blog instead of just facebook!