17 June 2012

A Lonely Father's Day

It has been interesting to spend father's day alone this year.  Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful that we have the ability to have mom get to family when needed and it has been a delight to received a day by day update on the new arrival.  Doesn't mean I don't miss her...

Today has been only slightly different from other Sundays.  Instead of going to meetings at 06:15 I went at 08:15 because of father's day.  And, instead of arriving home at 16:00 to have a wonderful dinner with mom, I just kept visiting people and arrived home sometime before 18:00 to have pot pie.

It has however been a blessed day, to talk with our children and understand better what is happening in your lives and feel the tenderness of family.  Thank you for your calls, your time, who you are and who you all make us collectively as a family.  Just wanted to say thanks and share a couple of pictures.

 This is my fathers official Mayor Portrait.  I feel it captures the depth of his sole.  (Spelling?  Ask Michelle.)

 Michelle, here is one for your blog...

 Only six grandchildren?  What happened in so short a time?

1 comment:

Michelle Packard said...

Dad, I love your post, but I don't know what you're talking about with that "sole" thing. Pardon my brain...I forget easily.