23 June 2012


Yes, I really did, well mostly did, take a vacation the past two days.  What did we do?  Well basically nothing we didn't want to.  Did some shopping, tried a new place for breakfast.  Did some shopping.  Oh, did I say that already?  I did go to girl's camp.  Didn't feel I could completely ignore all my bishop responsibilities.  Have to tell you, the concerted effort to just focus on the two of us has been a true joy.  Oh, today, more of the same except for a bit of bishop preparation for tomorrow.  Can you believe it?  Tonight will be another dinner movie night, just relaxing together.

So here is the evidence of attending Young Women Camp.  It was a great experience.  The bishop (yea me) did what I will call a Black Forest cobbler in the Dutch Oven, served hot with Vanilla Ice Cream.  Oh, was it good.  Even had some to bring home and share with mom.  (Recipe:  Cherry Pie filling and Dark Chocolate Cake)

1 comment:

Michelle Packard said...

Dad, you kind of look like a big little kid in this picture. Vacation looks good on you. Love ya and enjoy the rest of it.