23 December 2010

Funny Pictures

Right now I have free time. I'm very excited about this. Justin has been earnestly striving to give me a couple hours of duty-free time every week and it's a blessing. He's out buying last minute Christmas gifts and took the little one with him. What did I choose to do? Wrap presents, read lots of news, and blog of course.

I upload pictures to my photobucket album every once in awhile, but some photos never make it up on any blogs. I wanted to share a few of the funnier ones.

On the last day of good weather, Justin took pictures of me outside, savoring the perfect lighting and comfortable temperatures. These are the portraits I posted on facebook. Meanwhile, Jaime decided to poke around in the flower bed and we found her like this. Apparently she decided dirt is delicious. I love this photo not just because I think she's cute and funny, but because I have a photo just like this of me when I was this age! Same thing, my mom found me in the garden with dirt all over my face and deduced that I had eaten it.

Jaime decided she likes cottage cheese. She's also taken a liking to blowing on her food, more like blowing on anything else while food is in the general vicinity.

Same day. Jaime woke up with her hair all crazy like.

You all know Jaime loves cheese. How much does she love cheese, you say? Well, I handed her a ball of frozen cheese the other day as kind of a joke. I didn't have enough hands to take care of her and cook at the same time. I looked down and she was content, happy that I had given her some form of cheese. Frozen is better than none, right?

This is a little decoration from her room. When I placed it there, I intended for it to be just a decoration, but you wouldn't believe all the stuff kids have done to it! Jaime's favorite is to climb inside and other kids push it around all loaded up with stuff, even though the wheels don't move.


Mom said...

Thanks for sharing Jodi, these pictures made my laugh out loud!

James said...

Me too! I especially love the dirt one. Oh, dirt.

Michelle Packard said...

It's a toss up between the hair and the cottage cheese...they are awesome!