12 July 2009


I was listening to Pres. Uchdorf's (or however you spell it) talk from the Priesthood session of conference. I just love the thought of not being distracted by a burnt out 20 cent light bulb. That's all on that subject.

I cannot stress how excited I am to have you all at our house for the family reunion.

Men, are you still wishing to do a guy's morning on Friday? We don't have the option of going shooting, thus fishing is the closest and totally ***FREE*** activity we can do....for those that are interested. I am thinking that we start at 6:00 am (I'll settle for 7:00am. Heather said that if I said 5:30, you would all kill me.) and fish for two hours. I have 2 open reel poles, 1 closed reel pole, 1 spiderman pole, 2 barbie poles, and one fly rod. In case you were wondering...the spiderman pole is actually prety nice. It has caught more fish than the Barbie poles. Be thinking of what pole you would like to use. I'll use whatever. We can even draw straws for the barbie poles...if we want to. We wil be fishing for large mouth bass on our subdivision pond, where a fishing license is not required.

The other option is that I need a hole dug, 3 feet deep and 4 feet wide for a new tree in my yard. Any takers? It's pretty large.

Another random thought...I am so pleased in my wife and her abilities, or soon to have abilities, to run the young womens orgaization for our ward. She has received multiple complements already from the bishopric.

Ok that's all, I promise.

1 comment:

Justin said...

I'm always good for digging holes!