06 July 2009

my picture gallery :)

Here folks, are 6 pictures in frames that we took to WalMart and had them make all perty for us. I took all of them except 1. that would be the one with me in it... that James took! far left. :) I'm so excited and they make me really happy. I know pride is bad, but they are Gorgeous and I'm proud... :) I wish you all could come see them. If you click on the pictures, you can probably see them better. The picture with the microwave is their semi-permanent residence. For the time. until mom decides she can move them. Really we got them for my room....but she loves them soooo much...


James said...

MARQUIE—THESE ARE AMAZING! I love them so much! You are talented, m'dear, very talented.

Marquie said...

awww, thank you so much. I just stared at them and smiled like crazy. I couldn't believe them. :)
oh! do you think you could email me the ones from d.c.? because I have some of them (like the 2 up there), but i got them off of the blog, so they are kind of grainy and not too clear.