15 May 2009

Notches in the Belt

"Notches in one's gun belt signified the number of "wins" in gun fights and have for years been used as a euphemism for important victories. I just wanted to share a few of my recent "notches" with my family.
1- Actually on my belt. Pulled it in one notch. I have not lost weight but my legs are certainly bigger from umpiring and the waist is smaller.
2- My first ever High School Softball playoff assignment. It was originally planned for tonight but has been moved to Monday. Three man mechanics. I am the "rabbit". (Third Base Umpire)
3- While I do not yet have the contract, I have been advised that I am a definite for the Clinton/Kayesville Utah ASA 14U, B Nationals
4- I already sent the picture from last night, I guess I should have just put it on the blog. Well, since it is Photo Phriday, I will do that as well. I can not remember when someone took a picture of me umpiring and wanted to use it for training. (James, you have used for other things! :) ) As an aside, this was the only run of the game. Broadrun 1-0 over ParkView in the bottom of the 7th.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I'm glad that's correct position, you look...interesting...CONGRATS!!!