21 March 2015

Snapshot Saturday

I was very good at taking pictures this week, which was a pleasant surprise.  I hope you enjoy!

Hyrum and Simon were playing with each other through the window.  It was super cute! 
We started our first garbage burning fire.  It was great fun.  And now my storage room is much cleaner!

I think they all enjoyed this quite a bit.

We had great fun at the library this week.  Hyrum LOVES the puzzles, but that is to be expected.

Jacob built an art museum and dinosaur museum.  I guess you an tell we have been discussing  museums and zoos while on vacation.

I made this big breakfast of potatoes, eggs, bacon, peppers, etc and was just in awe at how much food it was.  It was yummy, though!  A breakfast of champions!

Simon's first haircut.  I hate it because he doesn't look like my baby.  But he is still adorable!  

We went to the children's museum and I barely saw Hyrum.  He was running around and playing the whole time, so I didn't get a single picture of him.  But I followed Simon around and we had a great time together.  

This little man will be walking soon.  The boys messed up his little toy, but he can still push it around, and that was the point!

Well, there you go!  We had a lot of fun this week!  I didn't get any pictures of their basketball games, but both Jacob and Michael scored, so we had lots of excited boys!  Michael is getting pretty good.  It helps that he is about 6 feet tall.


Jodi said...

I remember burning trash at my grandparents house. They did theirs in a metal barrel, though. Maybe something to try?

I can't believe how big Simon is!

And that breakfast looks so good. It seems like everyone knows how to make that sort of thing except me. Are there actual recipes out there anywhere?

Lynne said...

Was the fire just too hot for Joshua? Gosh, I love those boys! You should come back and visit again soon! But, I don't think we'll burn in a barrel.

Liz said...

Yes, the fire was hot. A burn barrel is ideal, but we don't have one, and we had way too much trash! No recipes, I just watch James make things up and mimic them. I cheat! :)

Jodi said...

James, come make it for me?