06 March 2015

A Welcome Photo Friday

I returned home late last night from a three-day trip to snowy Pennsylvania. My trip included driving 500 miles in sleet, snow, wind and rain. Lovely. I was just glad that my flight was not one of the 700+ canceled yesterday. In the upside of everything, I had the chance to visit with Brad and Shanda for breakfast, play some games, and celebrate the cancellation of school that day due to snow.

Well, on to the purpose of this post. This morning when I came in the office, I found a secret note left for me on my office white board by my wonderful ladies...

It is great to be loved.


Lynne said...

So glad you made it home! We just got shoveled out.

Liz said...

So sweet! That sounds like some miserable driving, but I"m glad you survived!

Lynne said...

So glad you made it home! We just got shoveled out.