29 November 2014

Snapshot Saturday

What we spend too much time during church doing.
After 11 months of straight breastfeeding, introducing a bottle did not go well :)
That ladder is resting on the LOWER steps. Sure made me nervous.

Thanksgiving at my brother's place in Salt Lake.
Ava keeps surprising me by climbing on everything.
Especially all of the construction equipment around
Our whole family at Home Depot.
He's SO TALL that he can texture the ceiling while standing on the floor. Sheesh.
The tired, tired kids that we've been keeping up way too late every night to get all this done.


Liz said...

So much fun! I can't wait to see the finished product. It definitely is hard for the little ones. You may want to consider skipping the bottle and going straight to a sippy cup? Good luck as I know that can be difficult!

Lynne said...

Yea!!!!!!! I love the photos!

Dad said...

I am so very excited for all of you. Thank you for sharing!!