09 November 2014

Happy Sunday!

Hey guys! Its Marquie again! We finally got a video of David rolling over!!! Unfortunately, I can't post it. But he's been doing this for about 3 weeks and we finally got it on video! Its becoming more common, so its easier. :) because I don't have that, I have some other pictures from Erin, Calyb, and Bentley's sealing reception last night. It was the most beautiful , happy, and wonderful reception I have ever attended. Such a beautiful thing to share with them. I don't know if you know, but there were actually 4 dealings yesterday. Erin and Calyb were each sealed to their parents, Erin and Calyb were sealed, and Bentley was sealed to Erin and Calyb. Ah! So great. Herr are some pictures. Mostly if us, but there is one of them cutting their cake. It was filled with nerds! I forgot to take a picture, but Bentley LOVED it. 


Lynne said...

Thanks Marquie! Patrick looks like he could use some sleep! :)

Liz said...

Fun pictures!!! What an exciting thing to celebrate a family being sealed. Is that little boy wearing leggings? LEGGINGS????