28 February 2014

Photo Friday

Jodi is correct that we have left her hanging week after week.  I have a new problem with taking pictures thanks to my children.  They seem to take pictures and video on my phone (mostly Hyrum), so when I go to take a cute picture I have no room and by the time I can delete the extras the moment has passed.  So, most of these are taken by my children but are better than nothing!

The boys getting ready to enjoy our Valentine's cake.  Valentine's is great when you get to celebrate with your family one night and your special someone the next night!

Hyrum getting ready for breakfast.  He sure loves food!

Hyrum has started taking his pants off randomly.  You can put them back on but he will then go and hide behind and chair and take them off again.  He also loves wearing boots even though it is too cold to go outside.  This time he is actually wearing his own.  

Just a random pic that someone else took with my phone.    :)


Lynne said...

Hyrum and Vida would love their "naked party" time. It sure freaks out the grandparents though. :) I'm glad someone in your family takes pictures! I keep trying to take them, but we aren't very exciting. :(

Jodi said...

Love it! Hyrum is getting so big!