13 February 2014

Don't die

Yes, I am posting.  Don't kill over.  I use the lack of pictures as an excuse not to blog....  totally lame.  I shall try to give a quick update, especially for those I do not get to speak with enough. Happy reading.

Joe - turned in his notice at work!  Happy happy happy.  It was killing him and the family, so after much fasting and prayer he is done.  He is happier than I have seen him in a very long time.  He has applied for a job with RainBird he is very excited about.  He is also going after his business full force after next week.  We will keep you posted.  Promise

Heather - Still primary president and loving it.  I have an amazing presidency, so it is not hard.  Weird trying to adjust to the older mother mentality.  No babies, all potty trained, after school activities, high school and seminary next year, two girls in YW this year..... the list goes on.   I am starting to feel better, which makes me happy.  Just have to be careful not to overdo it......

April - Accompanying the high school and middle school choirs.  Started violin this year and is already in the intermediate class.  She has applied to a different high school where she can focus more on her music.  They said 98% chance she will get in.  Her 4 high school classes this year helped that a lot.  She makes me feel kind of old.  She stays pretty busy babysitting too.  I think she likes having money all the time.

Chloe - Learning about the stupidity of people that we Hutchings are so tolerant of...  Loving guitar and piano lessons.  She has 100% or greater in 4 of her 8 classes.  She still has that smile that you can't resist smiling back to.  Full of love as always.

Ethan - Crazy smart math kid.  He is looking forward to some Khan academy time with Patrick!  He got a new bike for his birthday and is starting to do tricks, some including a ramp!  He also just started working on his bear and is super excited for the pinewood derby.

Collin - Was just accepted into the gifted program at school.  He has been quite bored and consequently very unfocused.  I think he is an entire chapter ahead in his math book.  So of course they told him to stop and do extra stuff until they catch up....hmmmm not ok.  So far, the gifted program has helped him focus more and he loves it!

David - Definitely growing up as evidenced by his attitude.  He loves sitting at the table for long periods of time doing school.  He still loves to cuddle though.  Phew.

I would throw pictures in, but it takes too much effort.  I will bug Joe about doing that. 


Lynne said...

Wow! Thanks! Good luck with everything!

Liz said...

Thanks for the update! I was just thinking that I needed one of those from you. :)

Jodi said...

Nice to hear from you!