16 September 2011

Women's Weekend '11

Okay James. Here you go. First of all, our appointed historian did not ever have her camera and missed about half of the weekend--sad for her, sad for us. And, the default historian (me) did a lousy job. But, here's what we have....

Lest you think Heather didn't join us for this weekend, SHE DID. This is the Sunday afternoon picture we took, just before everyone left, except Heather, who left early a.m. We do have a picture, unfortunately on Grandpa's camera, with Heather, but not with Marquie. We never did take one with all of us. (I will add that picture to this blog if and when Grandpa sends it.)

We did have a fantastic time together and all voted we'd do it again, and again. But not during school time so we don't miss Marquie. And, we felt bad for our husbands, not because they weren't there, and not because they had to tend the kids...we did miss them (our husbands)....but because they can't seem to get the same opportunity.

We had a lovely trip to the temple, unfortunately I didn't take my camera. And our sharing time was fantastic, possibly life-changing for most of us.
There was lots of this...
And, lots of this...
And we all felt renewed and wanted it to go on and on.


Jodi said...

Thanks! Mind if I steal the pictures? I've been wanting to write about it on my blog too...

Lynne said...

Of course not! I would love to read it from your perspective!

Joseph Petersen said...

I noticed that it seemed that Heather was always wrapped up in a blanket. Was it extremely cold there, or maybe Heather's blood is now set to Florida temps?

Lynne said...

Heather was cold the whole time we were there. In a blanket or a sweatshirt whenever possible.