25 September 2011


Joshua is a great example to me of how to enjoy every moment of life. After sacrament meeting today we all had to move out of his way, so he could get to his primary class as soon as possible. No matter what it is that we are doing he is always excited and ready to go (well, unless it is cleaning, but even then sometimes he surprises me). I just got this picture today and it showed exactly what I expected of Joshua at all times. Now if only I can be that enthusiastic about life and enjoy every second maybe I would be just as happy as he is. President Uchtdorf talked a little about this last night as well and if you haven't listened to his talk yet, well, then do because it was AMAZING! He reminded me not say things like, 'when ____ then I'll be happy or content or excited'. But I need to do it now and not wait! I need to enjoy every moment with my kids and with James, so hopefully I can do a better job of following Joshua's example this week!


Lynne said...

I loved President Uchtdorf's talk also. Thanks for the advise!

Justin said...

My favorite is the security vest the goalie is wearing :)

James said...

I love that, too, Justin! I comment on it every game. i want one for our team.