04 March 2009


I think I'm finally done with my taxes.  Unlike most I do enjoy doing my taxes, but this year I was a little disappointed to learn I would have to actually pay money instead of receiving a nice refund.  Though I love all of my jobs they each tax me assuming they are my only employer, so when we add all of the income together I have to pay a higher rate.  In the end it didn't turn out so bad.  I only did my taxes about 5 times, then I went online and found an efile program, filled in all of my numbers and compared.  I was pretty close!  Yippee!  But because I owe money I have filed my taxes away and will mail my checks out in April but at least I know they are done and how much to save away for them!  If anyone else needs tax help let me know!  I even learned how to do an itemized deduction--it was awesome!  Past are the days of standard deductions . . . 

1 comment:

Michelle Packard said...

Liz, I love you! You really are an amazing person. We already did our taxes (and got an awesome return which we already spent...to pay off debt),otherwise we would probably need your help. Well I love you!