02 May 2008

Happy as a lark

Yes, it is gone!!!! The pain is tooo!!! O.k., mostly. Now I am just a little sore, which to me translates into, what pain? The procedure went exactly as planned, when they finally did it. Yes, true to my track record things went crazy. I arrived at 10:00, only to wait in the waiting room for 30 minutes. When they get me in, they inform me my doctor is running about an hour behind. Mmhmmm. Wait, it gets better. After taking their sweet time with the paperwork, they start an I.V. What happens next..... POWER OUTAGE. I couldn't make this up if I tried. They of course went to generators. So..... no new procedures started while on generators. I laughed. Lots of us laughed actually, since everyone their found it quite amusing that I had returned. They told us the city estimated having power returned about 1:00. Laugh again. So.... I did finally get home shortly after 2:00. Thanks for all your support and prayers. Love you all. If I could caption my picture, it would say ...... CAN WE GO NOW! I do love that I don't look like that anymore.

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