29 May 2015

Photo Friday

We're back! Well, all but one of us is (Justin is gone at a conference).
Ava sitting on the furniture we were trying to assemble at Michelle's, so not being helpful :) but at least not being destructive which was great.

Jaime's kindergarten assessment. New stage!

The girls were thrilled to bits to go through a carwash. We got it detailed after being let down by the appearance of our humble vehicle after riding in a brand new minivan for 3 weeks in VA.

We did a hair switcheroo this week. It was our first experience with curlers.

We spent a good part of yesterday at Thanksgiving Point. It was great to get out of the house.


Liz said...

Welcome home! I am curious how the kindergarten assessment went. I have always wanted to go to one. :)

Lynne said...

I love Vida's smile in that hair photo! Me too, I'm curious about the assessment!

Dad said...

Love the hairdos!

How did the assessment go?

Jodi said...

I really don't have a lot of information about the assessment. Sorry to disappoint! Jaime went in and worked with the teacher for awhile, answering questions, writing things, and doing math. Then she welcomed me back in and said that Jaime did really well and that I'd be notified in August which teacher she'll be with. I assume I'll also know what groups she'll be placed in, but it doesn't matter to me much. I just want her to be in the groups she needs to be in.