26 April 2015

Snapshot Sunday

I am pretty sure that every week is a busy week around here.

Hyrum got a new car seat!  He kept taking his arms out of the straps of the older one, so it was time for an upgrade.  I love that he can get out on his own! 

We purchased some cattle panels for our tomato trellises.  This may seem simple, but they were 16 ft long, so we bought boards to put them on and then tied them on like crazy!  We were grateful when we made it home!

Then, the boys went to work putting them up.  We did plant peas to climb on them.  Next month the tomatoes will go in!  

Hyrum and Simon were rolling the ball back and forth.  They weren't accurate, but they had tons of fun!  

We watched a friend's dog for two weeks.  He was a great dog and was great with the kids.  He went home today.  We weren't too sad.  I don't know that we will ever get a dog.  But who knows?

Some people ditched their brother for breakfast cleanup.  We will see if they do that again???  But at least I got a clean oven out of it! 
I don't have pictures of our Saturday adventures, but Joshua and I went to a bee keeping class.  We learned an incredible amount of information.  We definitely got our money's worth!  Next week we will pick up our bees!  And we started a really big project.  Hopefully we will finish it next week, so I can share pictures with you!  I hope everyone else had a wonderful week!


Lynne said...

So fun to see the gardening projects, the little boys and good luck with the bees!

Dad said...

Fun Pictures and wonderful adventures. Oh the pain of housework when there are outside tasks. I remember.

Jodi said...

Those are some hard working boys!

You're going to do bees?! So cool.