17 April 2015

Photo Friday

Located Michelle's book at Deseret Book! It was exciting.
FHE with the Packards near the dam. We all had such a good time. Bryce even caught a fish. 
What more could a kid need than a lake and a stick?
Our last night before Justin came home we had a "sleepover" in the living room together.
She always looks so different with straight hair.
The truck Justin made finally had its outing at preschool and was a smashing success.


Lynne said...

You always have such fun! What a good Mom!

Liz said...

That straight hair is so different on her! So many fun adventures. Sad I live so far away!

Dad said...

What wonderful adventures. You are creating memories that will be told to your grandchildren. Way to go!

Joseph Petersen said...

I am curious as to the section of the book store Michelle's box was found it. The word in the top let corner of the picture made me laugh.