19 December 2014

Photo Friday

We ran a whole lot of errands. Ava was happy the whole time
and I was so surprised. When we finally got home (it was dark)
I opened the side door to find that she had taken off her top
carseat straps as well as her shirt! I didn't know such a little
person could do something like that.
Our "dining room" for our Sunday breakfast.
Climbing the rungs of the chair I'm sitting on. Born to climb.
The jumping gym place near our house. We went for "fun day." Ava insisted on
not being left out of the fun.
Vida's hair was NOT in a bun. That's a pony tail. A curly
curly pony tail. Her hair is ridiculously curly. I have been
asked if she's "half something else"and if she's adopted.
All because of that curly hair.
More mischief in her pinky finger than either of my girls' whole bodies.
Jaime fell asleep while sitting next to me in the evening.
We are tiring these kids out...not to mention ourselves.
The stain on the counters. They are lacquered now but I didn't
snap a picture of that yet. Oh, and the cupboard doors are done
and back on!


Lynne said...

I sure love the photos of those cute, cute girls! Ava is growing up so fast! And, I can't wait to see that new house in person. I talked to Grandma Workman today and she said after she saw your cupboards, she wished someone would come and do hers. She said it is so beautiful!

Liz said...

Everything looks great! I really hope we can eek through the snow coming and see it for ourselves! And see those sweet girls!