13 December 2012

Cast Off...

Well, just returned from the Orthopedic Surgeon to get the cast off.  Oops! It was already off!  The doctor was impressed that I was able to get it off and that it only took a few minutes.  He kinda smiled about it.

The report, well, all is well.  Bone is healed very well and the bones and ligaments in the wrist, where his greatest concern centered, seem to all be doing very well.  We are blessed and grateful for your faith and prayers in our behalf.

Picture, well, I guess that while the break and cast did slow me down, I didn't let it stop me.  Playing the piano was hard but I still played when I could.  Reminds me of when I was seven years old and played the Christmas Recital with a 3/4 cast.  I often go into the chapel after difficult meetings or interviews and play hymns.  Again, I missed being able to comfortably play and grateful I can again do this. 

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Yay! So glad the report is good and that your body is healed.