03 March 2012


There are many things in life that we take for granted until we lose them. I have been missing my ability to run on the treadmill for quite some time now, but it really hit me when I was trying to play basketball with the boys and couldn't run. Now I know that this doesn't affect my ability to function from day to day . . . thankfully! But it was sad to have to sit on the sidelines while they got to run around and play. I am just glad to know that it is temporary, but let me just say that I will definitely take advantage of my ability to run when it comes back!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

When I was ten I was run over by a car. I had trouble walkIng for a couple of weeks and vowed to never take walking for granted again. My hip hurts every pregnancy because of it to remind me of my vow. Walking is wonderful! Mobility is such a blessing.