30 September 2010

Where in the World is Daddy

Mom feels this is more fact than fiction and I think she has good reason. Two weeks ago, sales calls in Raleigh North Carolina. Last week, Pharma conference in Philadelphia and this week a Pharma event in Osaka. Yes, Osaka. Last week I presented to an audience of roughly 300 and this week an audience of 200. Difference, this week was all Japanese and I was the only non-Japanese person in the conference, let alone presenter and I was the only one who presented in English.

Yes, I was a bit intimidated but the evening reception was comforting as numerous individuals came up to me and complimented me on my excellent English delivery to a Japanese audience. I am not sure it was the gift of tongues but I can tell you it was an answer to fervent prayer. Yes, it is real. I never cease to be impressed with the blessings I receive in my job and in how many places in the world I am privileged to received those blessings. Above is a shot of the auditorium in Osaka that I presented in.

Now, here is a picture of my lovely bride overlooking the Shenandoah Valley, yes, that is where we live. This is taken from the Skyline Drive.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Yeah, I was surprised when Marquie told me you were in Japan! You sure do get around! Thank you for taking the time while you were there to look over my resume :)