16 October 2015

Photo Friday

It's been awhile. Hello Photo Friday! Fancy seeing you here. Long time no see.

This is how I got some canning/preserving done. They loved the fort.

Fire safety day put on by the city. It was a great FHE activity.

The birthday girls got nightgowns from their cousins. 

Vida was soooo scared to get her kindergarten shots. She screamed loud when
 the nurse came in to give the shots. And cried loud afterward.

Stopping by to get a Kolache while out running errands in the morning. We've
made a habit of it. Maybe I should stop?

Trying on her sisters' shoes and loving it.


Lynne said...

I think kolache is a good habit! And thank you Jodi for blogging. I was beginning to think the blog was dead. I bet that shot appointment was awful for everyone. I remember fire safety things when at least some of our kids were young.

Dad said...

Great pictures that tell such a wonderful story.

Liz said...

I love pictures! What is Kolache??? I must find out!

Jodi said...

There's a newish place in on Center St. that sells Kolaches, which is a Czech food, and these are with a Texan twist. It's like a big dinner roll stuffed with various things - eggs, meats, etc. The kids like the sweet ones, with jams and cream cheese.