25 July 2015


Every week I think, "I really should blog..." and then I consider that, well, I really don't have much to say.  And then the action goes un-actioned.  (I have no idea if is is a word or not.)  But today, I am thinking how much I appreciate the pictures and short messages that keep us all connected so I will endeavor to do more...

First, WOW IS THIS FAMILY BLESSED!  Mom and I, as we have knelt in prayer, and in our discussions, have been truly overwhelmed with the love and kindness given to our family by our Heavenly Father.  Sometimes we just want to say prayers of gratitude and ponder on the goodness.  Today is one such day.  We love you all and are grateful for the sacred things happening in all of our lives. 

Last week we had our stake Youth Conference.  One of the highlights of my year.  Our youth numbers are up YOY, partly thanks to April joining our Stake.  We had a great experience.  Here are some pictures. 

We had a service project at the temple where we re-mulched paths and other part of the grounds.  Some areas could not be reached with wheelbarrows so buckets were used.  It is estimated that we filled and moved over 4,000 buckets of mulch.

April and Amanda McDonald.  Amanda was baptized the evening we returned from Youth Conference.  It was a wonderful experience to have her participate and give leadership to our youth.  Wish she were in our ward. 

The Front Royal Ward youth and leaders. 

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