21 February 2015

Poor kid

For the last 2 days, this has been the only way to get David to go to sleep.  If we are really careful we can transfer him to his bed, but most of the time he just wakes up and screams. So I nurse him and he goes straight to sleep. I've been sitting on the couch for an hour and a half this morning. I'm pretty sure it is just teething? But the first tooth wasn't this bad. Goodness. Any tips? We give him Tylenol and a teething toy you put in the freezer. But he just screams hysterically.


Dad said...

I can not speak as a mother but as a father that held his daughter through the night many times. Sometimes a child needs to feels to touch of a parent, hear the beating of their hearts and know they are loved and cared for. Yes, it is a challenge but both of you will savor these experiences when you are older.

Lynne said...

What a sweet photo. He may have an ear infection. I would get it checked if he continues like this. Love you!

Liz said...

Poor thing! I hope he is feeling better soon! I like to use oragel to help numb their gums for immediate relief and then give the tylenol. I never could get them to use teething rings.
As for you I recommend propping up a pillow and working on your laptop while he sleeps, so you can keep up with your school work. Good luck!