25 September 2014


I did not mean to come home and fall off the face of the earth, things have just been a whirlwind of stress.  So I shall try to offer a very overdue update.  So many things........

Joe is back at Sunstate working mainly as a designer.  Many things have been discussed for his future there, but we have yet to see them come to fruition.  A month ago he tore his acl while jumping out of a trailer.  He will have to have surgery to replace it.  He has been going to various doctors to please workman's comp, which is a nightmare.  After many arguments, I think they will finally cover it.  He has another appointment Friday and hopefully he will have his surgery scheduled.  He is still EQ president and enjoys it most of the time.  He has had several job interviews, but nothing yet.

I am feeling like a crazy taxi driver most of the time.  Between school, doctors appts, and church, I feel like I am never home.  Things seem to be getting into a routine, but that will surely change.  Still the primary president and loving it.  Our program is coming up and true to Heather fashion, I am breaking all tradition.  Super excited about that.  We are singing the songs, with two narrators reading the scriptures that the church has given in the outline.  Music is the most powerful way the Spirit communicates for me, so I thought it best to use that tool to its fullest.  Totally random, but I am in love with my Blendtec!  We are best friends.  I have only been using it a little over a month and am edging very close to my 150th use.  I am a Blendtec junky!

April started high school (I old...).  She already had a schedule change, because she was moved up to the second jazz band class as their pianist.  Saying she loves it would be an understatement.  She dutifully gets up at 5:20 every morning for seminary and is really enjoying it.  She has also started her own piano studio and is excited for it to grow.

Chloe has had a rough go the last few weeks.  The second day of school her p.o.t.s, (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), flared up with a vengeance.  It took several trips to the e.r. and some research to figure out that is what it was.  She has only completed one full week of school since then.  We have been working with her chiropractor 2-3 times a week, her cardiologist, and physical therapy twice a week.  We are currently going through the many ridiculous steps to get our insurance changed so she can go to a specialist down in Miami.  He is the only one in FL and one of few in the nation.  We are hopeful he can help.  Here are a few links to give you an idea of what she is experiencing.  http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/postural-orthostatic-tachycardia-syndrome-clinic

Ethan is enjoying school more this year.  He is in an all gifted class and his teacher does a good job with challenging him, not just giving extra work.  He starts soccer this Saturday with his dad as coach and is super excited.  He took a terrifying flip off his bike a week ago and sprained his wrist.  He also scraped nearly everything else.  It still hurts, but he is tired of missing recess, so took the brace off.  true boy.

Collin is loving riding his bike to school everyday.  It is just over a mile.  He loves the social aspect of school and puts up with everything else.  He is definitely not being challenged.  They have to add another teacher, because classes are too big, so I volunteered him to be moved.  He thought this was a great idea.  Hopefully a new teacher will be good for him.  He also starts soccer this week.

David thinks it is way too quiet at home, so we almost always have to have music on.  He loves to do his school books and paint.  I was able to get another membership to our ymca so he can play with other kids everyday.  It is hard, because all of his friends are in pre-k and I chose to keep him home.  So, he doesn't get to play with them now.  He is crazy smart, so keeping him entertained can be a challenge.  In between all our crazy, we are starting to work on reading.  He loves it, but we don't have all the resources I would like for teaching him.  Regardless, he loves saying words and trying to figure out their sounds.

I am sure there is more, but I think I hit the big stuff.  It has been raining everyday for the last two weeks and shows no sign of stopping.  Crazy lot of rain for September.  Miss family tons and trying to maintain sanity.  Love you all.


Lynne said...

What a wonderful post! Thanks so much Heather. We sure miss you.

Justin said...

It was so much fun to have you out here this summer, and we do miss you dearly. Prayers offered daily for your lovely family. And tell Joe to stop jumping out of trailers!

Liz said...

Thank you for the update! I am glad that school is going so well for the kids. We will definitely continue praying for you guys and add Chloe to our prayers. I hope you get some answers soon. Love you guys!

Jodi said...

Love the update! Good luck with everything!