08 November 2013

Photo Friday from China!

I am at the tail end of a trip that has taken me away from my wife and kids for the longest time ever. 17 days. I feel like I have missed a lot of my kids developments, and my wife's (belly) too! It has been a spectacular trip, though I am so excited to come home. Here are a few pictures from my adventures. 
Dad and I drinking some "Old Beijing Yogurt". Good stuff!

A cooking class with Mum and Dad. Dumplings!

I think the was my sixth time to the Great Wall. That is enough. 

The Drum Tower in Xi'an. It was magnificent at night. 

That is one more off the bucket list. The Terra Cotta warriors. Discovered by a farmer digging a well. Got to meet him, too. 

I got to come back to Nanjing. It will always be a special city to me. 

Me and my tired self waiting at the train station in Nanjing, ready to go home. 

I hope and pray you are all doing well. Time to board!


Dad said...

Thank you for allowing us to share part of your journey. It was a special experience.

Lynne said...

Hurrah! Happy travels!

Lynne said...

Oh, nice jacket!

Heather said...

Not enough times on the wall until you have taken me!