10 October 2013

My new venture.

Hey guys!  Soooo... I just started Mary Kay and I'm a new beauty consultant!  I'm really excited about it! and don't laugh at me. Too much. 

One of my first goals is to have $600 in sales in one day.  I chose next Tuesday, the 15th as my $600 day. 

SO...If there is ANYTHING that you need, a lip gloss, mascara, liner, moisturizer...anything! I would love to get it for you. It would really help me towards this HUGE goal!  Also, the first 3 orders of the day will receive 20% off their entire order.

You can check out the line up at www.marykay.com.  You can email me or text me your order. I don't have a website yet.  Email me at marquie.walton@marykay.com cuz it's AWESOME. and helps me keep my emails seperate. 

That being said, you don't have to buy anything. I really don't expect you to as you are family, but if you were going to buy something anyways... :D Or you DO want to buy something, I would LOVE it.

But I love you guys even more. Thanks for being my family. I love you SO MUCH! BLOG MORE! haha... ironic that I'm saying that... But really. I'm terrible at calling lately, and I want to know how you all are doing. That's what our family is for. :)

Marquie! The baby sis.


Dad said...

A, any mens products?

Marquie said...

Yeah! Not tons, but if you go to www.marykay.com, click on products, there is a men's products section. It's mostly cologne and shaving things, but take a look. If you are into really soft hands or feet you can always get Satin Hands. It's awesome and gives a great foot rub. I don't really think you are into that, but you know what, if you are, please surprise me! I won't tell :D

Michelle Packard said...

Yeah!!! If I buy make-up I will buy it from you...if I can afford it! Love you and happy beautifying!