21 May 2013

Still here

Haven't posted in..... forever, so I thought I should give an update.  We have been busy here trying to survive the remainder of the school year.  I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to not having to pack 5 vegan lunches every morning.  Some have loved the school year (Ethan), some have not (April).  The other two enjoyed it for a while, but are now bored.  I have learned there is so much drama with public school.  Still not sure what the plan is for next year, but I don't have to be yet.

Joe has an interview Friday with Busch Gardens and is also waiting on another potential.  Until then, he is trying to survive.  No, really.  He can barely move by the end of each day and is super tired of being yelled at.  He is however, very grateful for the work. 

I just got another calling.  Yes, this makes three.  I am the compassionate service person.  I am soooo looking forward to summer and hoping to get to see family.

April hates school and is done with it.  I keep having to remind her there  are still 11 days.  She just finished her last recital on Saturday.  We are working on putting them all on drop box or something, because they are too big for the blog.  She is very much looking forward to our exchange student.

Chloe is sick of doctor's appts and happy we are done with them.  She is going to miss her teachers, but happy to be done so she can learn again....

Ethan loves, loves, loves school.  He was blessed with a truly amazing teacher.  He is growing like a weed and I can't keep up with it.  He loves scouts!

Collin is really bored since he has done all required and more for the year.  He has become a great reader who doesn't like to sit still.

David is discovering independance in decision making.  Dang.

There you have it.  Corn, cantaloupe, blueberries, and tomatoes are in season, so I think the next few weeks will be busy!

1 comment:

Liz said...

We are definitely going to have to see pictures of those kids before I don't recognize them anymore. :) I hope you survive the end of school and have a great summer!