30 May 2013

Carl Sandburg College

This footage made its way to Inside Higher Ed (a major online publication for higher ed professionals). It shows some of the flooding that recently took place at Carl Sandburg College.


Lynne said...

Oh my gosh! What caused that?

James said...

Isn't this crazy? I'm just got glad it didn't get my office or any of the pianos because they are on a higher plane. There is a sloping walkway down to that entrance, and the heavy rains in a short time must have built up so much that the doors wouldn't hold any more. THey been cleaning for almost 48 hours straight, and most of the student services offices and almost all the faculty in my department were affected. It's a big deal, and campus won't even be open again until Monday at the earliest.

Dad said...

Someone forgot the sandbags! Oops! Glad you office and especially the piano's escaped.