15 January 2014

Our "Retirement" Project

Before sharing with you the completion of our project, we want to tell you I turned in all of my "stuff" today.  ID, Keys, phone, computer, et al.  Mom went in to Dulles with me and waited while I went in.  I went at 07:30 so I would only have to meet with the manager receiving the material.  Five minutes later we were on our way to breakfast.  New Mexican at Anita's.  Fitting don't you think? So in 70 more minutes I will be officially retired from United Airlines. 

OK, on to the project!  We are most excited and are grateful for the opportunity to do this together.   We have talked all our life that we want to still be friends and do things together after retirement.  Yes, I know, real retirement is years away but we are getting a good start on doing things with each other.  So, even with my groans, it was great to this together.

The last "groan" was connecting the headboard to the frame.  I went to my box of "goodies" (nuts, bolts, screws, etc.) in the garage and found the perfect things.  Bolts with a wood counter sink (anchor), specifically designed for this project and they worked very well.  I believe I took them from an old bunk bed set that was worn out and have had them for years!
 Here are the counter-sunk anchors.
 I know the picture is out of focus, I am not going to take the bed apart to get another picture.  This shows the bolt in the anchor.
The finished product.  Mom just sat in the bedroom looking at this until she fell asleep.

This has been a very fun but extremely dangerous project.  Dangerous?  You should see the list... 


Justin said...

Looks amazing! But I do want to see that list...

Heather said...

I love it! I should come see it.....

Lynne said...

All of you should come see it!

Bryce said...

I think Michelle and I will fall asleep tonight looking at that picture....