10 April 2013

Finally done!

Strawberry season official ended for me last week.  My hands are almost back to their normal color.  We shall not cry though, because we are prepared.  Picked over a 100 quarts of berries, made 5 gallons of syrup, froze 15 gallons, made 13 pints of jam, and some fruit leather.  Mmmm strawberries.  Honestly, I am so sick of them.  If I can get myself to eat one, I really enjoy it, but I sure don't like looking at them anymore.

There is but a short rest.  In just a few short weeks, blueberries will be available!  I think I may wear gloves for that one....


Lynne said...

Straw berries, blueberries, and vanilla ice cream! Very patriotic!

Michelle Packard said...
