I really wanted to show a picture of my high school ring and my flash drive but alas, someone who was packing our home in Elizabeth felt they needed Mom's wedding ring and my high school ring more than we did. I hope they fed their family and didn't just drink it all. Anyway, the story...
About four to five weeks into my mission I lost my High School Ring. I liked my ring and I just could not figure out what had happened. A few days before I had dropped it in the middle of a busy intersection in Burbank California but recovered it with out damage I might add. So, when I could not find it I thought about dropping it but knew that was not where I had lost it. I looked all through the apartment, asked my companion and still came up empty handed. I took the issue to the Lord and went to bed. The next morning my ring was sitting in the middle of the floor in our bedroom. I can still see it from my sitting position on the bed when I was ready to get up. I have pondered this many time over the years and have no doubt of the intercession of Heaven.
Two weeks ago I attended Seminary and downloaded MLS data from the Church computer to a flash drive so I could load on my phone. Ward Tools is now available as an Android App and it is more powerful than LDS tools. I was thrilled to have the application and the information again at my finger tips. This was done on Friday. On Sunday I was going to get the download processed and could not find the drive. I was panicked because of the sensitive nature of the download as well as other personal information I have on the drive. I calmed myself and knew what I had to do. As with the ring, 37 years before, I got on my knees and asked for direction and insight, KNOWING that because of my act of faith, praying, I would find the drive.
It did not happen immediately but within an hour or so my mind started working through Friday morning. I keep the drive in my right front pant pocket. I wore a suit jacket that I normally do not wear and the very clear direction to look in the fight front outside pocket of the suit coat came to me and the drive was in fact there. What a simple thing to bend the knees and ask. Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you...
Thanks for the great reminder, Dad! Another Grandpa story for our kids, to be sure. :)
I was thinking the very same...
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