25 May 2011

Bishop's Fireside, Bishop's Cottage Meeting

When I was a young boy, perhaps five or six, I remember going with mom and dad to a Cottage Meeting (Bishop's Fireside) at Sister Helen Holt's home. She lived on a small lane and of course had a ditch in front of her home. At the end of the meeting one of the attendees backed out of the driveway, turning too sharp and dropped their front wheel into the ditch. They cam back in and requested assistance. I have a very clear memory of the priests going out and picking up the front of the car out of the ditch and getting them on their way.

50 years later, Bishop's home, Bishop's Fireside just concluded. Brother Ritchie backed down the driveway and went left off the drive, right close to the road. The middle of his car was literally sitting on the edge of the driveway. Front wheels close to coming off and the back wheels also nearly in the air. Enter the priesthood. Priests, Teachers and of course the strong High Priests. Sure enough, we picked up (not all the way into the air but enough to get it off the asphalt) the back of the car and pushed it back onto the drive.

Just wanted to share this non-coincidence. Love you all.


James said...

That awesome, and a great illustration of the power of the priesthood.

Heather said...

It just made me laugh, because I've seen it. They just drive right off...