11 January 2016

Holiday photos

I didn't take all of these, but I had to share some of our fun holiday pics!

Hyrum and grandma bonding!

Hyrum was very excited to get new pajamas!

Our one big gift was these blocks and they have proven their worth.  We are still having fun creating with them!

They are so much fun that they show up all over the house . . . including my bathroom!

Michael enjoyed getting a big container of ice cream from grandma.  Hopefully he can go and build with the bucket today!

Hyrum took a fun picture of FHE with grandpa.

He also caught Joe during FHE.  

Apparently if you want Hyrum to like you, take pictures with him!  (Or give him treats.)

Simon loves all shoes including the Petersen's shoes!

But he also likes to read, and this was too cute to pass up!

And now he has daddy's shoes and hat and Jacob's water bottle.  Maybe he would wear his own shoes if I didn't hide them.  Hmmm. . .  

I didn't take enough photos, but there you go.  :)