23 July 2014

Youth Conference

Seems that the annual Youth Conference of the Winchester Stake always pulls me in.  Whoops, that may be because I am the bishop.  None-the-less, it is a time that I cherish and appreciate with the youth.  Sadly, this year we had only six AP/YW join with us but we had a great time.  Our youth conference focused on Service and serve we did.  We rehabilitated a good portion of the Strasburg City Park.  Still working on pictures for that. 

However, Friday night we had a wonderful dance with a photo gallery.  So following on the baby shower blog, I will add my picture to that.  Seven of our eight bishops and we were missing the two branch presidents (They have no youth).  Now, I would love to add a picture of the bishops dancing to Hawaii 5-0 but it was spontaneous and the pictures taken, well, not worth posting.  However, the experience was incredible.  The music started and the bishops, without jackets, so in our white shirts, came from behind the DJ, lined up and started dancing.  The entire hall stopped and circled around us.  About halfway through we invited all to dance with us.  The importance of this was that the youth surrounded their leaders and then joined with them.  I was the initiator of this litter show, doing it because I felt so prompted.  In testimony the following day a testimony was borne of the significance of the dance and the circling around the bishops.  I gained a greater understanding of the powerful role and influence of a bishop. 

Why am I on the piano bench?  Well there is a story related to that. 

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