Yep, it's May 4th. That time honored tradition...well...since 1977...that we as nerds salute the general populace with "May the 4th be with you".
To add the nerdiest icing to the cake. Avengers opened last night. Tonight I'll be able to relive some of my childhood fantasies as IronMan and Hulk, during the 7:25 showing. I already have my tickets, and have taught most of the lyrics (at least those that I can remember) to my children to the Captian America Theme song.
"When Captain America trows his mighty shield,
all those whose choose to oppose his shield must yield.
Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah...
when Captain America throws his mighty shield"
I'll sing it for you if you call. But not tonight!!! I won't be here!!!
May the 4th be with you!!!!!!*
*Notice the purple font color. It is that of Mace Windu's Lightsaber. Booyah!
Happy Avenging!
I hope it's the best night ever! Have fun!
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