In attending the temple last night for Marquie and Daniel's endowment I learned this and thought it would be fun to post something here worth while. Hope it doesn't upset anyone it is so long...
I learned a type of lesson that is in similitude of the
creation and progression of man. Man’s journey to heaven requires certain steps
of growth and character. These steps are outlined perfectly in the outline of
the creation.
In day one, there were materials and they formed the earth. This represents our birth into this world. We are neither good nor bad, but perfect none-the-less, much like Adam and Eve in the garden. We have yet to grow and change our void and formless infant selves into a character full of life.
In day two, the waters were separated from the dry earth. There comes a comprehension of good and bad. We begin to take upon ourselves the traits of our desires. Good or bad we show what we love, wether dry or wet. This state has been the marker point of the beginning of progression for all mankind. We are baptized that we might make the covenants necessary to receive great blessings for doing good. Without which our testimonies would have trouble growing. They can grow, but the ground is very dry. The waters of life fill our efforts with meaning and reward that make our actions worth it! Thus, rain falls at times and all the land is wet that we might cleanse and recognize who we are.
Day three, light begins to shine. There are lights to govern the day and lights to govern the night. At all times there is light. We receive the Holy Ghost as a gift, a companion and friend. We are literally blessed with the ability to see ourselves and the lands and waters that exist. The brighter the light, the better off we are at making happy decisions. This light also invokes the constant reminder that we are being watched by our Heavenly Father and the hosts of Angles above that are so interested in our life and work and salvation. They all want us to experience the joys they do. Our ancestors watch and understand what ails us and what would help us bear fruit. Our ground is still barren at this point, but everything is now prepared to bring forth fruit.
Day four, seeds are planted throughout and they grow. The earth is beautified and glory begins to show. As we harken to the Spirit that our lands may have continual rain and heed the light that shines upon us, we will begin to gain testimonies. They vary in importance. Some are so constant that they spring up like grass in endless fields. These are the testimonies in day-to-day activities like praying morning and night and conversion with our friends or children and receiving little tidbits of inspiration to help in the mundane activities of life. This grass makes our lands moist and comfortable. Some forget to read their scriptures for a time and their grass begins to dry up. Others move on and seek for answers to their questions through constant study and prayer and service. They grow those sycamore trees that are ancient and everlasting. Their roots intertwine and they become the sturdiest testimonies that are the most powerful and visible in a person’s life. Sycamore trees are testimonies of Christ and His atonement, His resurrection, and His life, testimonies of the priesthood, of the scriptures, of the prophets, and of who you are. These plants in all their forms and varieties require water to grow or they die. There is no status quo. They must be nourished. And your lands must be filled with them in order to go on to day five.
Day five, life in all it’s varieties are placed upon the earth. They consume the testimonies and bring purpose and life to our planet. In the same manner, our talents, or wise use of our testimonies, produce life within us. We have purpose that complements our natural growth and construction. In order to grow in these talents we must first have the testimonies to support them. Much like the plants that should by now cover your entire being. These talents come in the form of faith, works, priesthood powers, and result in the healing the sick, visions, dreams, and callings from the Lord. They are forms of godliness expressed in our actions. These animals, fowls, insects, fish, and all creeping things were also commanded to multiply in their respective spheres. Remember the parable of the talents? To one was given ten, another five, and another one. The first two multiplied their talents and they were found profitable. They grew. If we hide our talents and seek to restrain our efforts in the natural use of our purpose and ourselves, a couple things will happen. First, we will find ourselves less than happy. Our nature and fulfilling desires will not be met and be left hungering for those things that feed upon us and feed us. Second, we will find that even our testimonies will falter without this life that depends upon them for they require the pruning, tending, and manure a garden of Eden would need to be pleasant and peaceful. We will find that our lands are not as fertile as they might have once been and cannot support some life. This is a sad state for the remedy is and always has been found through keeping the simple commandments that cause the rains to fall upon your souls. Many souls are choked without rain and have caused their dry lands to expand and encroach their garden of Edens. Stop the drought and take a drink for the waters of life flow freely to all that ask and seek after Christ! If your soul is full of all sorts of life and is able to support them and you find yourself in fulfillment of all that God has commanded you to do, you are finally ready for day six.
Day six, the creation of Man and Woman. There cannot be any other more important day than this yet most seek for day seven before reaching this point. You have finally become like God and can now dwell with him. You still have to tend the garden and keep it going for you have work to do, but you have become the Sons of Man. Perfect, ready to be immortal, and ready to receive all that the Father hath. The work is not done though! This is the important part to understand. Jacob, brother to Nephi in the Book of Mormon, had seen and conversed with the Lord in his youth, yet his work was not done. Joseph was a lucky one, in his speed course he did all he could in a shorter period of time and was martyred. Yet we are informed that his work was not yet finished and beyond the veil he works to build the kingdom of God still. Day six is a day of relief that we have made it, but not a day of rest. That’s day seven. Many individuals seek for and feel they have a right to this rest. Their lives have been hard, they tire, and grow without the comforts of life that seem to fall upon a select few. Some feel that a vacation from church or church callings is in order for they have done their part and parcel. These people are as the person who received one talent and hid it for he knew God was a fierce God and would judge men for what they have done. They forget about what they are doing now and feel their history has recorded enough of a good story to bring about a pleasant ending. That pleasant ending will only be what they experience here in this life as they rest from their labors without the Lord’s errand to do so. Do not rest from these labors. We have our fields and endless forests planted within us that can support so much life and talent if we allow it to. We would be endowed with so much knowledge and wisdom and power (through faith and priesthood) that nothing could bring us fear or concern for ourselves but only for others if perchance they don’t see and partake of this life as well. Day seven will come, but in the Lord’s time when He has helped you grow to your fullest stature you will allow. Humble ourselves and turn to the Lord. Answer His call through our priesthood leaders. Fulfill our duties in our priesthood and callings. “Oh be wise. What can I say more?”
Personally I seek for Zion. I have been searching for it as long as I can remember. I seek for the community of brothers and sisters that are not afraid to put their arms around me. They are not seeking for how they can get by but how they can help another get more. They are not rich or poor because such things don’t matter. They are equally inspired by each other. They are constantly searching out the things of God and turning to Him for instruction and support. They are of one heart and one mind. I have felt this in pieces throughout my life, a person here and group there. I long for it here and desire that we might become such a people without the fear of reproach or hurt from others. I have the testimony that we can and are on this path to do so. I pray I will not leave this earth until I do find myself in such a community of persons and that I can be one of them, without guile, full of life and testimony, to be able to live in such harmony. I remember a stake presidency in my youth that did just that with me. They had their arms around me every time I was in arms length. Maybe becoming an adult has put a stigma on touching others or embracing other fellows, but I hope you understand what my heart has expressed.
Wow! Fantastic analogy. All things testify of Christ....
Agreed! Thank you for sharing!
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